#!/bin/bash # read-novar.sh echo # -------------------------- # echo -n "Enter a value: " read var echo "\"var\" = "$var"" # Everything as expected here. # -------------------------- # echo # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # echo -n "Enter another value: " read # No variable supplied for 'read', therefore... #+ Input to 'read' assigned to default variable, $REPLY. var="$REPLY" echo "\"var\" = "$var"" # This is equivalent to the first code block. # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # echo echo "=========================" echo # This example is similar to the "reply.sh" script. # However, this one shows that $REPLY is available #+ even after a 'read' to a variable in the conventional way. # ================================================================= # # In some instances, you might wish to discard the first value read. # In such cases, simply ignore the $REPLY variable. { # Code block. read # Line 1, to be discarded. read line2 # Line 2, saved in variable. } <$0 echo "Line 2 of this script is:" echo "$line2" # # read-novar.sh echo # #!/bin/bash line discarded. # See also the soundcard-on.sh script. exit 0