#!/bin/bash # pad.sh ####################################################### # PAD (xml) file creator #+ Written by Mendel Cooper . #+ Released to the Public Domain. # # Generates a "PAD" descriptor file for shareware #+ packages, according to the specifications #+ of the ASP. # http://www.asp-shareware.org/pad ####################################################### # Accepts (optional) save filename as a command-line argument. if [ -n "$1" ] then savefile=$1 else savefile=save_file.xml # Default save_file name. fi # ===== PAD file headers ===== HDR1="" HDR2="" HDR3="" HDR4="\t1.15" HDR5="\tPortable Application Description, or PAD for short, is a data set that is used by shareware authors to disseminate information to anyone interested in their software products. To find out more go to http://www.asp-shareware.org/pad" HDR6="" # ============================ fill_in () { if [ -z "$2" ] then echo -n "$1? " # Get user input. else echo -n "$1 $2? " # Additional query? fi read var # May paste to fill in field. # This shows how flexible "read" can be. if [ -z "$var" ] then echo -e "\t\t<$1 />" >>$savefile # Indent with 2 tabs. return else echo -e "\t\t<$1>$var" >>$savefile return ${#var} # Return length of input string. fi } check_field_length () # Check length of program description fields. { # $1 = maximum field length # $2 = actual field length if [ "$2" -gt "$1" ] then echo "Warning: Maximum field length of $1 characters exceeded!" fi } clear # Clear screen. echo "PAD File Creator" echo "--- ---- -------" echo # Write File Headers to file. echo $HDR1 >$savefile echo $HDR2 >>$savefile echo $HDR3 >>$savefile echo -e $HDR4 >>$savefile echo -e $HDR5 >>$savefile echo $HDR6 >>$savefile # Company_Info echo "COMPANY INFO" CO_HDR="Company_Info" echo "<$CO_HDR>" >>$savefile fill_in Company_Name fill_in Address_1 fill_in Address_2 fill_in City_Town fill_in State_Province fill_in Zip_Postal_Code fill_in Country # If applicable: # fill_in ASP_Member "[Y/N]" # fill_in ASP_Member_Number # fill_in ESC_Member "[Y/N]" fill_in Company_WebSite_URL clear # Clear screen between sections. # Contact_Info echo "CONTACT INFO" CONTACT_HDR="Contact_Info" echo "<$CONTACT_HDR>" >>$savefile fill_in Author_First_Name fill_in Author_Last_Name fill_in Author_Email fill_in Contact_First_Name fill_in Contact_Last_Name fill_in Contact_Email echo -e "\t" >>$savefile # END Contact_Info clear # Support_Info echo "SUPPORT INFO" SUPPORT_HDR="Support_Info" echo "<$SUPPORT_HDR>" >>$savefile fill_in Sales_Email fill_in Support_Email fill_in General_Email fill_in Sales_Phone fill_in Support_Phone fill_in General_Phone fill_in Fax_Phone echo -e "\t" >>$savefile # END Support_Info echo "" >>$savefile # END Company_Info clear # Program_Info echo "PROGRAM INFO" PROGRAM_HDR="Program_Info" echo "<$PROGRAM_HDR>" >>$savefile fill_in Program_Name fill_in Program_Version fill_in Program_Release_Month fill_in Program_Release_Day fill_in Program_Release_Year fill_in Program_Cost_Dollars fill_in Program_Cost_Other fill_in Program_Type "[Shareware/Freeware/GPL]" fill_in Program_Release_Status "[Beta, Major Upgrade, etc.]" fill_in Program_Install_Support fill_in Program_OS_Support "[Win9x/Win2k/Linux/etc.]" fill_in Program_Language "[English/Spanish/etc.]" echo; echo # File_Info echo "FILE INFO" FILEINFO_HDR="File_Info" echo "<$FILEINFO_HDR>" >>$savefile fill_in Filename_Versioned fill_in Filename_Previous fill_in Filename_Generic fill_in Filename_Long fill_in File_Size_Bytes fill_in File_Size_K fill_in File_Size_MB echo -e "\t" >>$savefile # END File_Info clear # Expire_Info echo "EXPIRE INFO" EXPIRE_HDR="Expire_Info" echo "<$EXPIRE_HDR>" >>$savefile fill_in Has_Expire_Info "Y/N" fill_in Expire_Count fill_in Expire_Based_On fill_in Expire_Other_Info fill_in Expire_Month fill_in Expire_Day fill_in Expire_Year echo -e "\t" >>$savefile # END Expire_Info clear # More Program_Info echo "ADDITIONAL PROGRAM INFO" fill_in Program_Change_Info fill_in Program_Specific_Category fill_in Program_Categories fill_in Includes_JAVA_VM "[Y/N]" fill_in Includes_VB_Runtime "[Y/N]" fill_in Includes_DirectX "[Y/N]" # END More Program_Info echo "" >>$savefile # END Program_Info clear # Program Description echo "PROGRAM DESCRIPTIONS" PROGDESC_HDR="Program_Descriptions" echo "<$PROGDESC_HDR>" >>$savefile LANG="English" echo "<$LANG>" >>$savefile fill_in Keywords "[comma + space separated]" echo echo "45, 80, 250, 450, 2000 word program descriptions" echo "(may cut and paste into field)" # It would be highly appropriate to compose the following #+ "Char_Desc" fields with a text editor, #+ then cut-and-paste the text into the answer fields. echo echo " |---------------45 characters---------------|" fill_in Char_Desc_45 check_field_length 45 "$?" echo fill_in Char_Desc_80 check_field_length 80 "$?" fill_in Char_Desc_250 check_field_length 250 "$?" fill_in Char_Desc_450 fill_in Char_Desc_2000 echo "" >>$savefile echo "" >>$savefile # END Program Description clear echo "Done."; echo; echo echo "Save file is: \""$savefile"\"" exit 0