#!/bin/bash # logon.sh: A quick 'n dirty script to check whether you are on-line yet. umask 177 # Make sure temp files are not world readable. TRUE=1 LOGFILE=/var/log/messages # Note that $LOGFILE must be readable #+ (as root, chmod 644 /var/log/messages). TEMPFILE=temp.$$ # Create a "unique" temp file name, using process id of the script. # Using 'mktemp' is an alternative. # For example: # TEMPFILE=`mktemp temp.XXXXXX` KEYWORD=address # At logon, the line "remote IP address xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx" # appended to /var/log/messages. ONLINE=22 USER_INTERRUPT=13 CHECK_LINES=100 # How many lines in log file to check. trap 'rm -f $TEMPFILE; exit $USER_INTERRUPT' TERM INT # Cleans up the temp file if script interrupted by control-c. echo while [ $TRUE ] #Endless loop. do tail -n $CHECK_LINES $LOGFILE> $TEMPFILE # Saves last 100 lines of system log file as temp file. # Necessary, since newer kernels generate many log messages at log on. search=`grep $KEYWORD $TEMPFILE` # Checks for presence of the "IP address" phrase, #+ indicating a successful logon. if [ ! -z "$search" ] # Quotes necessary because of possible spaces. then echo "On-line" rm -f $TEMPFILE # Clean up temp file. exit $ONLINE else echo -n "." # The -n option to echo suppresses newline, #+ so you get continuous rows of dots. fi sleep 1 done # Note: if you change the KEYWORD variable to "Exit", #+ this script can be used while on-line #+ to check for an unexpected logoff. # Exercise: Change the script, per the above note, # and prettify it. exit 0 # Nick Drage suggests an alternate method: while true do ifconfig ppp0 | grep UP 1> /dev/null && echo "connected" && exit 0 echo -n "." # Prints dots (.....) until connected. sleep 2 done # Problem: Hitting Control-C to terminate this process may be insufficient. #+ (Dots may keep on echoing.) # Exercise: Fix this. # Stephane Chazelas has yet another alternative: CHECK_INTERVAL=1 while ! tail -n 1 "$LOGFILE" | grep -q "$KEYWORD" do echo -n . sleep $CHECK_INTERVAL done echo "On-line" # Exercise: Discuss the relative strengths and weaknesses # of each of these various approaches.