#!/bin/bash # list-glob.sh: Generating [list] in a for-loop, using "globbing" ... # Globbing = filename expansion. echo for file in * # ^ Bash performs filename expansion #+ on expressions that globbing recognizes. do ls -l "$file" # Lists all files in $PWD (current directory). # Recall that the wild card character "*" matches every filename, #+ however, in "globbing," it doesn't match dot-files. # If the pattern matches no file, it is expanded to itself. # To prevent this, set the nullglob option #+ (shopt -s nullglob). # Thanks, S.C. done echo; echo for file in [jx]* do rm -f $file # Removes only files beginning with "j" or "x" in $PWD. echo "Removed file \"$file\"". done echo exit 0