#!/bin/bash # idelete.sh: Deleting a file by its inode number. # This is useful when a filename starts with an illegal character, #+ such as ? or -. ARGCOUNT=1 # Filename arg must be passed to script. E_WRONGARGS=70 E_FILE_NOT_EXIST=71 E_CHANGED_MIND=72 if [ $# -ne "$ARGCOUNT" ] then echo "Usage: `basename $0` filename" exit $E_WRONGARGS fi if [ ! -e "$1" ] then echo "File \""$1"\" does not exist." exit $E_FILE_NOT_EXIST fi inum=`ls -i | grep "$1" | awk '{print $1}'` # inum = inode (index node) number of file # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Every file has an inode, a record that holds its physical address info. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- echo; echo -n "Are you absolutely sure you want to delete \"$1\" (y/n)? " # The '-v' option to 'rm' also asks this. read answer case "$answer" in [nN]) echo "Changed your mind, huh?" exit $E_CHANGED_MIND ;; *) echo "Deleting file \"$1\".";; esac find . -inum $inum -exec rm {} \; # ^^ # Curly brackets are placeholder #+ for text output by "find." echo "File "\"$1"\" deleted!" exit 0