#!/bin/bash # homework.sh: All-purpose homework assignment solution. # Author: M. Leo Cooper # If you substitute your own name as author, then it is plagiarism, #+ possibly a lesser sin than cheating on your homework! # License: Public Domain # This script may be turned in to your instructor #+ in fulfillment of ALL shell scripting homework assignments. # It's sparsely commented, but you, the student, can easily remedy that. # The script author repudiates all responsibility! DLA=1 P1=2 P2=4 P3=7 PP1=0 PP2=8 MAXL=9 E_LZY=99 declare -a L L[0]="3 4 0 17 29 8 13 18 19 17 20 2 19 14 17 28" L[1]="8 29 12 14 18 19 29 4 12 15 7 0 19 8 2 0 11 11 24 29 17 4 6 17 4 19" L[2]="29 19 7 0 19 29 8 29 7 0 21 4 29 13 4 6 11 4 2 19 4 3" L[3]="19 14 29 2 14 12 15 11 4 19 4 29 19 7 8 18 29" L[4]="18 2 7 14 14 11 22 14 17 10 29 0 18 18 8 6 13 12 4 13 19 26" L[5]="15 11 4 0 18 4 29 0 2 2 4 15 19 29 12 24 29 7 20 12 1 11 4 29" L[6]="4 23 2 20 18 4 29 14 5 29 4 6 17 4 6 8 14 20 18 29" L[7]="11 0 25 8 13 4 18 18 27" L[8]="0 13 3 29 6 17 0 3 4 29 12 4 29 0 2 2 14 17 3 8 13 6 11 24 26" L[9]="19 7 0 13 10 29 24 14 20 26" declare -a \ alph=( A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z . , : ' ' ) pt_lt () { echo -n "${alph[$1]}" echo -n -e "\a" sleep $DLA } b_r () { echo -e '\E[31;48m\033[1m' } cr () { echo -e "\a" sleep $DLA } restore () { echo -e '\033[0m' # Bold off. tput sgr0 # Normal. } p_l () { for ltr in $1 do pt_lt "$ltr" done } # ---------------------- b_r for i in $(seq 0 $MAXL) do p_l "${L[i]}" if [[ "$i" -eq "$P1" || "$i" -eq "$P2" || "$i" -eq "$P3" ]] then cr elif [[ "$i" -eq "$PP1" || "$i" -eq "$PP2" ]] then cr; cr fi done restore # ---------------------- echo exit $E_LZY # A typical example of an obfuscated script that is difficult #+ to understand, and frustrating to maintain. # In your career as a sysadmin, you'll run into these critters #+ all too often.