#!/bin/bash # from.sh # Emulates the useful 'from' utility in Solaris, BSD, etc. # Echoes the "From" header line in all messages #+ in your e-mail directory. MAILDIR=~/mail/* # No quoting of variable. Why? # Maybe check if-exists $MAILDIR: if [ -d $MAILDIR ] . . . GREP_OPTS="-H -A 5 --color" # Show file, plus extra context lines #+ and display "From" in color. TARGETSTR="^From" # "From" at beginning of line. for file in $MAILDIR # No quoting of variable. do grep $GREP_OPTS "$TARGETSTR" "$file" # ^^^^^^^^^^ # Again, do not quote this variable. echo done exit $? # You might wish to pipe the output of this script to 'more' #+ or redirect it to a file . . .