#!/bin/bash # color-echo.sh: Echoing text messages in color. # Modify this script for your own purposes. # It's easier than hand-coding color. black='\E[30;47m' red='\E[31;47m' green='\E[32;47m' yellow='\E[33;47m' blue='\E[34;47m' magenta='\E[35;47m' cyan='\E[36;47m' white='\E[37;47m' alias Reset="tput sgr0" # Reset text attributes to normal #+ without clearing screen. cecho () # Color-echo. # Argument $1 = message # Argument $2 = color { local default_msg="No message passed." # Doesn't really need to be a local variable. message=${1:-$default_msg} # Defaults to default message. color=${2:-$black} # Defaults to black, if not specified. echo -e "$color" echo "$message" Reset # Reset to normal. return } # Now, let's try it out. # ---------------------------------------------------- cecho "Feeling blue..." $blue cecho "Magenta looks more like purple." $magenta cecho "Green with envy." $green cecho "Seeing red?" $red cecho "Cyan, more familiarly known as aqua." $cyan cecho "No color passed (defaults to black)." # Missing $color argument. cecho "\"Empty\" color passed (defaults to black)." "" # Empty $color argument. cecho # Missing $message and $color arguments. cecho "" "" # Empty $message and $color arguments. # ---------------------------------------------------- echo exit 0 # Exercises: # --------- # 1) Add the "bold" attribute to the 'cecho ()' function. # 2) Add options for colored backgrounds.