#!/bin/bash # brownian.sh # Author: Mendel Cooper # Reldate: 10/26/07 # License: GPL3 # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # This script models Brownian motion: #+ the random wanderings of tiny particles in a fluid, #+ as they are buffeted by random currents and collisions. #+ This is colloquially known as the "Drunkard's Walk." # It can also be considered as a stripped-down simulation of a #+ Galton Board, a slanted board with a pattern of pegs, #+ down which rolls a succession of marbles, one at a time. #+ At the bottom is a row of slots or catch basins in which #+ the marbles come to rest at the end of their journey. # Think of it as a kind of bare-bones Pachinko game. # As you see by running the script, #+ most of the marbles cluster around the center slot. #+ This is consistent with the expected binomial distribution. # As a Galton Board simulation, the script #+ disregards such parameters as #+ board tilt-angle, rolling friction of the marbles, #+ angles of impact, and elasticity of the pegs. # To what extent does this affect the accuracy of the simulation? # ---------------------------------------------------------------- PASSES=500 # Number of particle interactions / marbles. ROWS=10 # Number of "collisions" (or horiz. peg rows). RANGE=3 # 0 - 2 output range from $RANDOM. POS=0 # Left/right position. RANDOM=$$ # Seeds the random number generator from PID #+ of script. declare -a Slots # Array holding cumulative results of passes. NUMSLOTS=21 # Number of slots at bottom of board. Initialize_Slots () { # Zero out all elements of the array. for i in $( seq $NUMSLOTS ) do Slots[$i]=0 done echo # Blank line at beginning of run. } Show_Slots () { echo; echo echo -n " " for i in $( seq $NUMSLOTS ) # Pretty-print array elements. do printf "%3d" ${Slots[$i]} # Allot three spaces per result. done echo # Row of slots: echo " |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|" echo " ||" echo # Note that if the count within any particular slot exceeds 99, #+ it messes up the display. # Running only(!) 500 passes usually avoids this. } Move () { # Move one unit right / left, or stay put. Move=$RANDOM # How random is $RANDOM? Well, let's see ... let "Move %= RANGE" # Normalize into range of 0 - 2. case "$Move" in 0 ) ;; # Do nothing, i.e., stay in place. 1 ) ((POS--));; # Left. 2 ) ((POS++));; # Right. * ) echo -n "Error ";; # Anomaly! (Should never occur.) esac } Play () { # Single pass (inner loop). i=0 while [ "$i" -lt "$ROWS" ] # One event per row. do Move ((i++)); done SHIFT=11 # Why 11, and not 10? let "POS += $SHIFT" # Shift "zero position" to center. (( Slots[$POS]++ )) # DEBUG: echo $POS # echo -n "$POS " } Run () { # Outer loop. p=0 while [ "$p" -lt "$PASSES" ] do Play (( p++ )) POS=0 # Reset to zero. Why? done } # -------------- # main () Initialize_Slots Run Show_Slots # -------------- exit $? # Exercises: # --------- # 1) Show the results in a vertical bar graph, or as an alternative, #+ a scattergram. # 2) Alter the script to use /dev/urandom instead of $RANDOM. # Will this make the results more random? # 3) Provide some sort of "animation" or graphic output # for each marble played.